Sunday, May 17, 2009

Highlight of The Week

As of late, I've been feeling even more exhausted as the months go by. Tyler seems to grow overnight and has been amazing me more and more.  In the last 2 weeks, he's finally been able to sit up on his own, and slowly, but surely, is starting to try and crawl, too.  He will occasionally topple over and then cry because he now knows how great it is to sit up like a big boy.  He just about reaches for anything now and will grab and pull and toss everything.  As exciting as all these milestones are, I'm realizing how much more work it is the more independent he is becoming.  This morning I had a little bit of sanity because Ron was babysitting Tyler while I took it upon myself to ditch them both and go get some lunch with some good girlfriends.  But then Ron was clearly upset when I walked in the door at 3:15 p.m. and he was 15 min late for playing basketball.  Sigh.  Really, I need a longer break.  

Anyways, so on friday for small group, we went to Mission Beach to have our usual hot dogs and smores.  This was our first time at the beach since Tyler was born, and thus, his first time, too.  It was a bit chilly and I was actually a little bit excited about putting him into his bunting outfit again since he had only been able to wear it couple times since it doesn't really get cold in SD.  I hadn't seen my SD peeps in awhile, so I was anxious to show them how well Tyler sits up on his own, and this really was so hilarious.  It truly made my day.  

I had planned on bringing my camera, but as always, my mommy-brain forgot.  Thankfully, Sophia had her camera on her, and was able to capture Tyler sitting up in his bunting. I think we all got a kick out of it. 

I love my boy =)


  1. He was so good. At sitting up. At staring at the fire. At sleeping in Aunt Sophie's arms.

  2. update please.. =D hehehe!! i know i'm the last person to ask for one. =P

  3. Hedy-it's time to update your blog:) Hee, hee! I'm sure u have your hands full with Tyler but I wanna see more recent pics of my handsome nephew!
