Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lefty or Righty?

I can't exactly remember what cool milestones a baby goes through, but in the last week or so, Tyler has actually been grasping things and holding them, which pretty much really amused me.  I remember so many mothers telling me how much I'd love motherhood when the baby arrived, and I kept thinking, "what is wrong with me?" because I wasn't loving motherhood yet.  And my pediatrician reassured me that those feelings don't really show up until the baby is about 4 months or so.  Anyways.....back to the grasping of objects....I've been handing things to Tyler to see how he'll hold things, and he seems to not be as coordinated with his right hand.  He likes to grab with his left hand and holds things much better with his left hand.  Both Ron and I are righty's, so this should be interesting if Tyler takes after his Uncle Jeff, cousin Jonah, and Grandma Sandy.  Oh and btw...when do babies start rolling over? 


  1. hahahahahahahaha it's funny to watch them try to roll over, one arm trapped underneath the body. hahahahaha as for him being a lefty, YAY! he'll be creative!!!!! :D

  2. you love motherhood whether you know it or not. i can tell.

  3. supposedly, they're supposed to roll over at 4 months....rylan didn't roll over until 8 months...haha! yes, our boy is a fatass...or lazy like his daddy...;)
